The Ministry of Economic Development published the 2024 national official inspection plan for 2018, which includes the occupational safety inspection plan in addition to the employment supervision inspections.
The following two activities will be subject to a national comprehensive occupational health and safety inspection: Activities with hazardous materials target investigation, the aim of which is to reduce the number of cases of increased exposure and prevent cases of poisoning. Period to be checked: 2024. 04. 01.- 2024. 05. 31. Metallurgical activities target investigation, the aim of which is to reduce occupational accidents and health damage. Period to be checked: 01.09.2024. -2024. 10. 31. In addition to nationwide comprehensive inspections, county Occupational Safety and Health Authorities can also initiate targeted inspections in their areas of competence and conduct pre-announced inspections. The year 2024. can be downloaded from this link in its entirety: National authority control plan 2024. download year
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